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what does a slower life, a coach, a Canva designer, and taurus have in common?

Writer's picture: Dana OlivoDana Olivo

At first glance, it may seem like living a slower life, hiring a Canva designer, and working with a life coach have nothing to do with each other. But, when you look closer there are some interesting connections.

Bear with me…

Let's start with the idea of living a slower life. This concept has gained a lot of traction in recent years, as people recognize the toll that constant busyness and hustle can take on their mental health and well-being. Living a slower life means prioritizing rest and self-care, setting boundaries, and focusing on what truly matters. It's about simplifying and streamlining your life, so that you can feel more present and fulfilled.

Now, let's add in the idea of a life coach. A life coach can help you achieve your goals, work through limiting beliefs, and navigate life's challenges. They can help you create a roadmap for your life, so that you can live more intentionally and purposefully.

Are you still with me?

So, how does hiring a Canva designer fit into all of this? Well, as a Canva designer, I believe that the visual aspects of our lives play a significant role in our well-being. When we are surrounded by visuals that are cluttered, chaotic, or not aligned with our values, it can create a sense of dissonance and discord in our minds. By contrast, when we are surrounded by visuals that are intentional, cohesive, and aesthetically pleasing, it can create a sense of calm and order.

Where am I going with this?

Well, this is where Taurus “the bull” comes in. Taurus is an earth sign in astrology, and is often associated with stability, groundedness, and sensuality. It's a sign that values beauty, comfort, and material pleasures.

Yep… that’s me!

When we combine the idea of living a slower life, working with a life coach, and hiring a Canva designer, we can create a visual and experiential landscape that is rooted in the values of Taurus.

By prioritizing rest, self-care, and intentional design choices, we can create a life that feels stable and grounded. By consulting with a life coach, we can gain clarity and direction in our lives, so that we can focus on what truly matters. And by hiring a Canva designer, we can create a visual environment that is aligned with our values and goals, so that we can feel more present and fulfilled.

With that said, living a slower life, working with a coach, hiring a Canva designer, and embracing the values of Taurus the bull may seem like disparate concepts. But when we bring them together, we can create a life that is intentional, fulfilling, and aesthetically pleasing. So, if you're feeling overwhelmed and in need of some guidance, consider slowing down, chatting with your friendly coach, and hiring a Canva designer to help you create a life that feels grounded, stable, and beautiful.

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